Bankruptcy Chapter 7 and 13
When in a situation of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, a property is never taken from someone in debt with the right to keep the property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged or free from an obligation or liability imposed on others; you can keep a certain amount of property. Some examples are: an inexpensive car, household furnishings, and etc. Being in debt is a difficult situation to go through alone, contact us and we will assist you through it in the most compassionate manner.

Providing Trusted Legal Representation
You are eligible for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy if:
• You are an individual.
• You are in partnership with someone.
• You are in corporations and other business.
If you are married you can file the claim with your spouse.
What do I have to do?
1. Analyze your debt.
2. Determine your property exemptions.
4. Redeem or reaffirm scored debts.
5. Fill out and file a bankruptcy form.
6. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.
7. File motions.
8. Gather your secured debts together.
9. Get your discharge. We will do our best for you to win your case at court.
Keeping your property:
Depending on your state’s exemption laws you are allowed to keep some of it, but it depends on your case. In Florida, personal property up to $1,000 is considered exempt.
You don’t have to give up your property completely; we can help you buy the property that was once yours from the bankruptcy trustee. We will also assist you to get better after your case.
Kaba Law Group has been serving South Florida’s Bankruptcy Chapter 7 client needs for over 35 years. Contact us today at (305) 245-9990 or schedule an appointment online on our website calendar for a free initial consultation. You may also email us at with your questions or concerns.