Worker’s Compensation
There are countless circumstances in which you can get injured on the job. Workers’ compensation is designed to protect injured employees, regardless of fault. An injured worker is not able to sue an employer for damages, but may file a claim for benefits and appear in front of a special judge (Judge of compensation claims). Along these benefits you may find medical care and indemnity. You should get an experienced attorney to get the compensation you deserve. We understand how tough these times may seem, so trust our assistance because we can help.

Providing Trusted Legal Representation
Workers’ compensation basics
• Whether it was with the worker, employer or someone else, it can provide you medical and indemnity benefits to injured workers, regardless of fault.
• You can’t sue for damages available in a regular lawsuit or get money damages for “pain & suffering” or “loss of enjoyment of life”. BUT you can sue a “third party”; at Kaba Law Group P.L.L.C. we will analyze your case to find the possibility of third party lawsuits.
It is important to report the injury to your employer within 30 days of the accident. If you don’t do this, the lawsuit might be denied forever. Keep a “paper trail” where you have everything written and a copy of each document.
Only on-the-job injuries are able to get workers’ compensation. The law requires that your injury have a connection to your employment.
Workers’ compensation injuries
• Did you know? That Florida ranks as one of the most dangerous states for on the job inquiries. This may be due to poor training of employers and improper or inadequate safety procedures are among the reasons. An injury refers to any physical injury or psychiatric problem with results from the physical injury; for example an injured worker, who has depression because of an injury, can get psychiatric help.
Common workers’ compensation injuries
• Orthopedic injuries
• Neurological injuries
• Neurological injuries
• Burn injuries
• Heart attack
• Brain
• Spinal cord injuries/ Paralysis
Kaba Law Group has been serving South Florida’s clients workers compensation needs for over 35 years. Contact us today at (305) 245-9990 or schedule an appointment online on our website calendar for a free initial consultation. You may also email us at with your questions or concerns.